nedeľa, decembra 26, 2010

Christmas gift Free Christmas collab by Collab girls Creations

"Christmas gift" Free Christmas collab

Vianoce sú ideálny čas popriať svojim priateľom a rodine lásku a šťastie. Je čas, zhodnotiť uplynulý rok a spomenúť si na všetkých tých, ktorí pre nás niečo znamenajú. Vianočné želanie je jedinečný spôsob, ako zdieľať svoje pocity a šťastie so všetkými, ktorých máme radi.

Christmas is the perfect time to wish your friends and family with love and happiness. It is the time to reflect back on year that went by and remember all those people, who made it special.

Christmas Wish is a unique way to share their feelings and happiness with all those we love.


Máme pre vás malé vianočné prekvapenie collab kit "Christmas Gift".

We have a little Christmas surprise collab kit "Christmas Gift".


Collab kit "Christmas Gift" obsahuje 94 elementovs, 29 papierov, 21 WA a 6 fotomasiek.

Collab kit "Christmas Gift" includes 94 elements, 29 papers, 21 WAs and 6 photomasks.


Užite si Vianoce, užite si Christmas Gift...

Enjoy Christmas...enjoy the Christmas Gift....


3 komentáre:

Anonymný povedal(a)...

Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave in the DigiFree category today [27 Dec 01:00am GMT]. Thanks, Maria

VJ's Scrap Room povedal(a)...

Gorgeous!! Thanks so much.:)

Anonymný povedal(a)...

This is fantastic, How can I possibly thank you enough. It is so generous of you to shore all of this with everyone. Thank you so very much. Bless you all.